Kent Truehl
Kent has trained hundreds of people in dozens of countries on four continents. He is a seasoned lecturer at the certificate and diploma (first and second year tertiary) level, in Bible Colleges and in a University of South Australia bachelor degree program. He is interactive and dynamic illustrating content with interesting stories and life experiences.

Josephine Truehl
Josephine is particularly able to model and demonstrate wellness through training and seminars on: Heart Transformation; His Presence Healing (a prayer counseling methodology developed by Josephine; Women’s Health; Wellness Seminars; Sozo Ministry; Keeping Healthy on the Mission Field; and individual personal ministry sessions.
Our goal is to pass along skills, passion, wisdom and experience to others that desire to work in under developed areas of the world or with those that have less opportunities in life. To this end we write, teach and train students, church groups, teams, leaders and decision makers of all ages and levels.
A little more about Kent
Kent is particularly able to teach on change and dynamics: world view change, social change, personal change, thinking change, leadership dynamics, social dynamics, cross-cultural dynamics, development dynamics, mission and church planting dynamics.
Kent is an author of four publications:

Teaching Resumes
Adjunct Faculty, University of the Nations
Community Development Schools
• Porto Velho, Rondonia; Maues, Amazonas; Belo Horizonte Brazil
• Tijuana, Mexico
• Colorado Springs, CO; Lindale, Texas; Lakeside, Montana USA
• Perth, Australia
• Bali, Indonesia
Schools of Mission, Frontier Missions, Strategic Missions, Missions and Evangelism
• Singapore
• Adelaide, SA; Perth, WA; Wollongong, NSW Australia
• Los Angeles, CA; Honolulu, HI USA
Discipleship Training Schools
• Manaus, Labrea, Tabatinga, Amazonas; Recife and Belo Horizonte Brazil
• Adelaide, South Australia
• Tijuana, Mexico
• Phuket, Thailand
• Bali, Indonesia
• Calcutta and Cuttack, India
• Rajshahi and Dhaka, Bangladesh
Guest Lecturer, University of South Australia
School of Natural and Built Environments, Comparative Planning course
• International development challenges in urban planning,
School of Natural and Built Environments, Sustainable Development course
• International development challenges in urban planning,
Guest Lecturer, Tabor College of South Australia
Intermed Program
• Challenges of health delivery in under-developed settings
Intercultural Studies Program
• Missions Leadership
Introduction to LAMP (Language Acquisition Made Practical)
Adjunct Faculty, University of the Nations
Community Development Schools
• Porto Velho, Rondonia;
• Tijuana, Mexico
Schools of Mission, Frontier Missions, Strategic Missions, Missions and Evangelism
• Adelaide, SA; Wollongong, NSW Australia
• Honolulu, HI USA
Discipleship Training Schools
• Manaus and Labrea, Amazonas
• Adelaide, South Australia
• Tijuana, Mexico
• Phuket, Thailand
• Bali, Indonesia
• Calcutta and Cuttack, India
• Rajshahi and Dhaka, Bangladesh
International Development Consultants
Josephine and Kent are skilled in program design and implementation of grass roots, community-based programs. This comes from personal experience working as development and primary health care practitioners, project managers, team leaders, location directors and board members for the national organization in Brazil’s largest mission agency, JOCUM.
Urban and Regional Planning Consultants
Kent holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree and achieved Certified Practising Planner (CPP) status. Kent advises on all aspects of South Australia’s Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, and the River Murray Act of South Australia and consults on all matters of urban and regional planning, specializing in Natural Resource Management Planning.
Jocum Brazil
Kent and Josephine engaged in language and culture acquisition, fundraising, land acquisition and property development. Their most formative experience during their 12 years in Brazil however was three-years of village level community development among a rural sub-culture called the River People, while living on a regional style riverboat with their four children. Through primary health care, capacity building for sustainability and multiplying a prototype development program by developing local leadership they led the establishment of two River People churches and created a River People denomination of eight churches planted by co-workers and River People.
World Vision
While working as the International Program Officer Kent travelled to Malawi and Mozambique to oversee 15 projects and programs in food security, water and sanitation, health promotion, HIV/AIDS awareness and child sponsorship and reported to the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).
Delegate for the Minister for the River Murray
Kent assessed the multiple faceted impacts (water, fauna, flora, native vegetation, aboriginal heritage, etc) against proposed private development. Made the final decision within the legal framework of the State Development Act and the River Murray Act on behalf of the Minister and the Government of South Australia.
Nurse and MIdwife
Josephine has worked in the following areas
• Registered Nurse, Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia 1979
• Registered Midwife, Watford Hospital England, 1981
• Intermed Program Graduate, Flinders University, South Australia, 1990
City of Mitcham Development Assessment Panel independent member
Kent assessed, debated and decided complex and/or politically charged development proposals within the legal framework of the State Development Act and in accordance with the principles and policies of the local development plan.